Today is a super busy day. My students had papers due last tuesday so I am in grading overload right now. In my medical terminology courses (I teach 2 each 10 week term) they had a 1-2 page paper to submit on how they see themselves using medical terminology in their future careers and a few other questions regarding the importance of medical terminology. I have 60 students for that course. Then in my nutrition course (I teach one each 10 week term) they have a project every week to submit. So that is another 28 papers. This is a part time job acting as my full time job so it is not that overwhelming. However, this week I have class to go to, which includes all weekend, and grades are due by Sunday. I have 1-1/2 classes left to grade papers in so I think I can finish before I head to class tonight. I now have lunch plans tomorrow with someone new I have met here so that eliminates part of tomorrow. But no worries, as soon as I finish with this post I am free to grade, and then break to make my bean dip for class tonight.
So I have mentioned before that it rains here. We expect that most of winter will be rainy and windy. This was taken during the summer, but as you can see it can get a little on the rainy and gloomy side.
We moved here from Las Vegas so I really had nothing to be prepared with. So I made some online purchases. I also bought some rain pants to go with the jacket.
Next up we have the laundry issue. Our house electricity was converted from 220 to 110 so somethings run strangely. We can only use the washer or dryer, not both at the same time, without blowing a fuse. On occasion the whole house loses power and it takes some time for it to return, despite flipping the fuse switches. So, the best idea is to do it like the locals. Hang the clothes on the clothes line to dry. This way I can keep using the washing machine (and to be honest, most of my things were ulways hung to dry, but in a drying rack in the house). I still use the dryer for things like towels and sheets, underwear and socks-it's just easier. but I feel better hanging the clothes outside because it is better for the environment. So here are some pics of my laundry activities yesterday.
LOVE those Jcrew boots. I have rain boots, too. I got some after moving to grad school and having to walk all over OSU's ginourmous campus (which is NOT fun in the rain). Good luck with your class schedule! I really use med termininology a lot. It's amazing what comes back to you when you're reading charts.
Great rain boots! They make rain fun!
Good luck with grading all your papers! And have fun making (and eating) the bean dip! ;) Have a good class tonight!
Love the rain boots. I really like the pictures you showed in this post, I think your house and living area is so unique, obviously compared to here in Columbus, Ohio. I really want to check out your outdoor kitchen!! That's just so neat. I don't even have a window in my kitchen and it drives me NUTS, I'd love to cook outside!
Hey Melinda! Regarding your question on my blog, yes I will be presenting at FNCE! I submitted my pilot study data, wince that was all I had available at the time the abstracts were due, but I will be presenting both my pilot and final study results. It's a short (ten minute) presentation but it's an excuse to go to Colorado and I'm SO excited to go to this event!
cute hot pink cardi on the laundry line! see u so soon!!
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